“The quantum computer in the pill!”
Leon Watson: Software Engineer & Musician/Actor
What his “non-artistic” career looks like:
It looks like the easiest job ever because I did a lot of learning beforehand mostly through experience and YouTube to be able to get my work done without too much effort.
How he found his “non-artistic” career:
I started by wanting to make my first website in college. I liked it so I changed my major from computer engineering to computer science because I thought that's just what you did. Eventually went knocking on local stores doors wondering if they needed a web developer and got started there.
Your Background In The Arts:
Most of my background is in music. I started acting probably in high school during percussion concerts where it was more a show of movement and music instead of just music. From there I did improv in college and a couple of plays.
A Theatrical Success:
My role as Orlando in As You Like It with Plague Mask Players.
I'd never played a main role in a play, granted I had only been in like 3 other plays, but after 4 years of not doing it I thought surely there's going to be someone else taking this role so, I'll just go to this audition for the chance to play and learn.
Why You “Do Both”
I do both because that's what I want. I know doing my non-artistic career will allow me the flexibility to pursue my career without impacting my mental health. And not having a strong, from childhood, background in acting didn't think just diving right in with no support would be smart. But I knew I enjoyed acting and performing in general.
Where Your Two Paths Connect
Ha, maybe problem solving? Figuring out the right direction to go with a programming problem vs. figuring out what makes this person I now am on stage tick.
The Hardest Part of Doing Both
Finding the right company that will allow me to pursue this without trying to push me up the corporate ladder, ask me to do more, or sit in a chair 8 hours a day doing nothing for half of it.
Quick Tips For Someone Trying To “Do Both”
Go easy on yourself. Work hard when you can on one or the other and understand enjoying this journey and creating the life you want takes time.
Where you see your two careers going
I'm hoping my non-artistic starts stagnant. I can continue using my skills in web development to provide people products they want. While I start auditioning more and more to just get on the stage, tell stories, make people feel, think, laugh, and smile.
What Drives You
A laugh.
A "I enjoyed the show"
Being able to present with no worries except what's going on that stage.
Get To Know Leon
Dream Acting Role:
Any black mirror episode.
College/Graduate School & What You Studied:
Computer Science, University of North Texas
Three People That Support You
Katrina Songco
My college Ultimate Frisbee Team
Favorite Thing To Play On Piano
Autumn Leaves
Dream Software Project
If Your Life Were A Musical, What Would the Title Be?
Let’s Try That Thing Today